The Number One Reason Why Your Premium Course Is Not Selling and How To Turn That Around. - Teach Your Easy
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The Number One Reason Why Your Premium Course Is Not Selling and How To Turn That Around.

The Number One Reason Why Your Premium Course Is Not Selling and How To Turn That Around.

Have you ever wondered why your amazing program or course is not selling? I know I have… I figured out why and well, in today’s new YouTube video I share what the number one reason why you are premium course is not selling and how to turn that around. The video has captions cause I love captions on videos and because seeing the content at the same time as listening and watching makes absorbing data or knowledge easier. You are welcome!

Okay, let’s get to today’s  video:

Ready to learn more about how to determine who your dream audience is? Signup for the FREE Masterclass Here: 


Here’s the video’s transcript as well: 

Hey there.
How are you?

I hope you having an amazing day,
because I know that I am.

My name is Catherine storing and I am
your Content Monetization Strategist.

And as I was doing the dishes earlier,

I’m at my sisters, because she had surgery and I
am taking care of her for the next few days.

I have been here for about
a week and a half or so.

So I was doing the dishes,

you know that that’s what
the sisters do for each other.

And I began to think about the first time

I put together my Teach Your Easy
program, and that was back in 2018.

I have taught it many, many times over.

And it made me think of you.

You’re an expert and as the title said,

I will be talking to you today about what
is the number one mistake you are making.

The number one mistake

you are making and how to stop.

Thank you so much for being here.

If you’re brand new to this channel,

please do me a favor and go ahead
and subscribe and click on the little bell

so you can be notified every single time
I create a video, which is every week.

I’m so excited.
So make sure that you subscribe.

So thank you so much for doing that.

And back to our regular
regular programming.

We’re talking about experts you might be
an author, a speaker, a coach.

You do something amazing.
You have a book.

You have a system.
You have a process that you want to share

with the world and you probably
are already sharing with the world.

And there’s one thing you might
you might be doing many other things.

I don’t I don’t mean to dampen

your spirit, to make you feel
better by yourself with worry.

I’ll bring you back up
before the video is over.

I promise.
But there’s one thing that you are doing

and it came to me while
I was doing the dishes.

See, who’s to say that doing
the dishes was not a good thing.

And forgive me, I say bounced my curls.

My curls are still wet by their popping.

OK, they are popping.

I just wanted to make make a note of that.

I’m doing the dishes and I’m thinking

about when I started doing the program
and how it looks today.

And I was about I didn’t go quite there
yet, but I was about to feel bad because

the program is at a whole different level
than it was when it first got started.

Completely different.

And the reason why is because I’m
talking to a different person.

The number one thing that you’re doing

wrong is that you haven’t taken the time
to figure out who your program,

your process, or your book is helping; you
want to help everybody and their brother.

You are an expert.
You are a giver.

You love to help people.

That’s why you are watching this video,
because I’m the same way.

I love I love, love, love helping people.

But you have to be very clear as
to who it is that you are helping.

That is the number one step that I talk
about in the Teach Your Easy Program,

and that it is number one because
everything goes from there.

Once you determine, once you realize,

once you say yes to helping a very
specific person,

everything changes. Everything, everything,
everything and everything.

It looks different because you have
determined a very specific person.

When I created the program,
I was talking to beginners.

I was talking to people that were not very

technology savvy, that they were already
investing in themselves with my program.

And they did not have that many funds

to invest in all the bells
and whistles that I like.

I’m a nerd.
So what did I do?

I created a program that catered to them.

So I created programs and systems

that were very easy,
according to me, because I am Dr. Easy


They were very easy to implement
and did not break the bank.

And I am not ashamed of that.

That is who I was talking to

so it made total sense for me to do that.

I needed to do that because
that’s who I was talking to.

Make sense?

So what do you come into this? Like.
“Ok, Catherine, great.

Good for you.
That’s not who I’m talking to.


OK, so the issue is that when you are
an expert and I’ve been there,

I’m not pointing any fingers
because I have done

all the things that you are, that you may not…

Or maybe your cousin, or somebody
that you know is not doing right.

I have done it.
I have been the president.

The secretary.
You know, I got the shirt.

Everything about that.
I done that.

I’ve been there, done that.
I’m not judging you.

I’m just telling you.
I know because I’ve done it.

I’ve been there.
Now, what happens is you are an expert.

You are so very stinking
good about what you do.

You are amazing.
Like, amazing.

So the problem is that you
have been studying.

You have been learning.
You have investing in yourself.

You have read books.
You have listened to audio books.

You have all these knowledge in your head.

And now that you have an audience,
now that you have a paying audience, hello!

Now you want to like…give
them E V E R Y T H I N G that you know.

And unfortunately, if you are not talking
to the right people, if you have not sold

you program to the person
that can handle on all of that.

And even if they are good,
who wants to be dumped on?

Who wants to receive
everything somebody knows?

So you need to know firsthand.


My first step
in the Teach Your Easy Program.

It is a twofer.
So I’m giving you number one for free.

You don’t have to pay for it.
You are welcome.

You need to determine who; the example
that I always give and I was being

interview yesterday for a upcoming summit
is if you have a pastry course or program

and you’ll begin to create the program
before determining who this program is for.

You will not be able
to help a person like me.

That is not a baker.

I can bake two pies.

I mean, they are amazing,
but that’s all I can make.

I can not make my pie crust from scratch yet.

I have been asking since 2018
for someone to help me.

That has not manifested yet.

However, there’s another person that maybe

went to pastry school
and they are amazing.

And what they want out over are over pastry
course is to learn more fancy pants,

ways to decorate their pastries,
their pies and all kinds of things.

So if you don’t have in mind a clear
person, you might not be able to help

the beginner like me or
someone that is an expert.

Maybe you want someone else in the middle,

but you need to know
who you are going to help.


Because then when you are promoting your
program, when you let everybody else

and say, hey, the doors are open,
you are able to join my program.

You are able to use words that the person,
the right person says, “Oh, that’s me.”

If you could add a pastry

program and it is for people that are
beginners and need to create their own,

need to or want to create their own pie
crusts and have tried before and have

failed because they are not great at chemistry
for some reason; they are kneading too much;

that they are kneading adult too much,
whatever it is that they are doing.

They want a simple way with simple words

and terms, with all the tools and whistles
that they need to create a pie crust.

If I read that I would say, “Oh my God,
is she or he is speaking to me.

I need
that in my life, like yesterday.”

Now take into account now the other person

who is the pastry chef and he reads about
your course or listens about your course

and he or she is like I don’t need to know how
to make a pie cross from scratch.

I did that the first
weekend in pastry school in France.

I don’t need that course.

And that is cool.

That is totally OK.

Maybe next time you create a very fancy

pants pastry program that person will
say, “oh my God, I’m going to learn this.”

I don’t even know the terms for a fancy
pastry and things because I’m not a chef.

I mean, I am a chef.

I am not a pastry chef.

Let’s just get that clear.

So when you come up with that program
and you talk about how

you worked on there,
there’s a famous

pastry chef and he taught you or she
taught you all the secrets on how

to create a decadent dessert
and how to make their signature dessert

that is really hard to do.

Now, that person, that expert in pastry is
going to say, “oh my God, I admired that chef,

I’ve been dying to make
their secret signature

plate or or dessert.

And yes, that program is for me.”

Do you see how it makes simple

for people to raise their hand
and say, “that’s my program?”

“That’s what I need to have.”

You see a right?
You see it?

So now that I have brought that to your
attention, I want you to make a decision.


How are you going to do that?

You need to take some time and figure it
out, “Okay, who do I feel called to serve?”


If you don’t know how
to do that, that’s ok.

I created a Free Masterclass.

It is the bomb dot com for people like

you, experts that want to serve
and make the world a better place.

And they are tired of doing
the same work over and over again.

That’s the video for next week.

Don’t forget to tune in for that.
Oh, my God.

It’s going to change
your whole entire life.

I promise.

I promise; so come back next week.
same time.

I promise is going to be amazing.

The Free Masterclass, all you gotta so is
go to

and register and immediately you’ll
be able to watch the masterclass.

I’m going to put the link in the
description so you don’t miss it.

But it is
That’s easy, right?

I am Dr. Easy
so I’d like to keep things easy.

All right.
So let me know in the comments.

Are you guilty?
Have you been guilty of this trying

to help everybody and their
brother and then you help no one?

That’s what my first coach ever said.

“When you’re trying to help
everyone, you help no one.”

So you have to make a decision, okay?
It’s okay.

There’s lots of coaches like me out there.

Everybody will get help.

You have to make a decision,
at least for this program.

You can choose to help several people,
but in different programs.


One type of person, one
group of people at a time.

Try that, register for the masterclass.

Let me know how it helps
you in the comments.

And if you know another expert is
speaker, a coach or an author.

and they are amazing what they do,

and you know they need this.

Make sure that you share
this video so they can find it

And also stop making that mistake and get
really clear and become an expert.

Like be a master of one thing
instead of dabbling here

and here.
Got it?

Thank you so much for watching.

I love you so very much.

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