There's Always More | Epis 20 - Teach Your Easy
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There’s Always More | Epis 20

There’s Always More | Epis 20

This is a special edition of the Teach Your Easy Podcast…I JUST could not wait to encourage you with this word… Let me know if it speaks to you.


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Yesterday I shared how my program Monetize Your Passion, The next Level Edition was born, it was not overnight either. Today, I want to go a little deeper on that. about four-years ago when I finally was able to begin and finish my first book I had NO idea my love for writing would evolve as it has evolved.  
I still love to write (otherwise I would not have written 21+ books) but in addition to that, God awaken my love for teaching and coaching others. I was surprised but SO very glad. I would have been happy staying there, but He had more for me (bear with me, I will show you soon how this relates to you soon). Why would I have been happy with just that? Because I did not know any better; I had not seen ALL the things He had for me. Then He expanded my territory again and added ghostwriting. Once I started doing it I saw how natural the addition was (it was not meant to replace everything else I was doing, it was meant to be an addition) seamless and natural. I was happy with the addition, and again, I would have stayed there but God had more in store for me to do. 
After a little while He added Teach Your Easy  that process came swiftly, like a much needed breeze on a Summer afternoon. I really love that book and that process. I had been trying to make the time to write my process down, but I just did not. Then in one quick moment He gave me the outline and the time to make it happen. I was happy as can be. I printed the book in hardback version first and began to teach it. Life was good. You guessed it, I was happy in that lane. Again, He tapped me on the shoulder and said: “I got another level for you. You know when you wanted to leave your corporate job and you struggled figuring things out?” I indeed remembered, it was painful. He was calling me to work with women that like me, want to leave their 9 to 5, expand from their ministry to the marketplace but have no idea where to begin. Women that love Him and want to do it  the right way. After He said it and I was able to accept it, it made SO much sense. All the pieces came together quickly.  I was happy as can be, but…there was more…there is always more. As I was driving TODAY, and if I am honest, He has been whispering this to me for a couple of years now. “Remember your first love?” Quickly, a smile came to my face. I remember. Immediately images of me reading book after book flooded my mind, and not just any books. Fiction books. He is still revealing the way but I can already see how my next calling goes nicely with teaching via parable or fiction books. 
Why did I tell you all this? Because, I have a feeling, that just like me, to the naked eye your life looks like a series of career, ministry or business changes and shifts. When in reality, you have been coming home all along. He has been driving you to a certain place, there have been MANY detours, BUT every single one has been NECESSARY. Every disappointment, every victory, every loss. You were not and ARE NOT moving aimlessly in the wilderness, you are being driven to a wonderful place. Don’t fight it, trust the One that made you knows the way. And He surely knows the way – as He is the way. 
Stop worrying about what it looks like, stop trying to anticipate the next destination, just S T O P. Trust Him. Your journey won’t look like anyone else’s because you are NOT everybody else. You are unique. You are anointed, you are called. ALL the turns are taking you down a path that will soon reveal the MOST amazing calling and gift you have EVER seen. When He says move, you move, if He says turn, you turn and When (not if) He says stop, you stop. IT is ALL part of the plan and as you know, The plan is VERY very good. 

If you KNOW the Monetize Your Passion Program – The Next Level Edition is for you, click on the link and lets have a: 

  • Lawanna Cofer
    Posted at 20:08h, 14 May Reply

    This podcast was on time and thank you for the encouragement. I can’t wait to see these things happen. I have been waiting for so long

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