How to Use Self-Love as a Path to Healing
How to Use Self-Love as a Path to Healing
Welcome back to another uplifting episode of Healed and Cash Flowing! In our 26th episode, host Cat sits down with the intuitive energy healer Terrie Christine to explore the transformative power of self-exploration, honesty, and love. This episode offers profound insights and an empowering message that resonates with anyone on a path of personal growth.

Embracing Transformation
Terrie shares her unique journey that began with a life-altering near-death experience at the age of eight. This pivotal moment opened the door to her intuitive abilities, allowing her to connect deeply with others and guide them on their healing journeys. Throughout the episode, she emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional triggers—those deeply rooted responses shaped by our childhood experiences.
The Power of Self-Love
One of the central themes discussed in this episode is the quest for self-love. Terrie recounts her past relationships and the challenges she faced when prioritizing her own emotional well-being. She explains how understanding and loving ourselves creates a strong foundation for healing and growth. By learning to fill her own cup, Terrie discovered the profound impact this has on her relationships with others.
Honest Communication: A Path to Connection
The conversation also highlights the necessity of honest communication in fostering deep emotional connections. Terrie stresses that being truthful with ourselves and others is essential for building authentic relationships. By expressing our feelings openly without judgment, we allow space for understanding and healing.
Energy Healing as Empowerment
Terrie's expertise in energy healing provides another valuable layer to the discussion. She explains how energy healing can help individuals overcome emotional blocks, which allows them to tap into their true potential. Through this practice, clients can reconnect with their inner selves and begin to transform their lives from a place of empowerment.
This episode is a treasure trove of insights and inspiration for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of relationships and personal growth. As you listen, consider your own journey and how you can embrace self-love, honest communication, and healing in your life.
Thank you for joining us in this enlightening episode of Healed and Cash Flowing. Stay tuned for more inspirational conversations, and remember to prioritize your own happiness and well-being as you navigate life's journey!
Hi, my name is Catherine Storing, you may call me Cat, and I am the host of the Healed and Cash Flowing podcast show, where I'm going to tell you exactly how I went from completely burned out, hating my business, not knowing how to show up, or how to even embrace who I really wanted to work with. I'm going to give you all the secrets. So make sure you tune in every week so you too can love your business and grow your cash flow in no time.
Hello, Terrie, welcome to the Healed and Cash Flowing podcast show. How are you? I'm very well, Cat. Thank you for having me.
Oh, my pleasure. And I'd like to start the episodes with the guests introducing themselves before my audience falls in love with them. So tell us about yourself.
Well, thank you so much. My name is Terrie Christine. I'm an internationally known intuitive energy healer and people like, what is that? I work in the subconscious place, meaning that the four walls and the actions that were happening around you, that they become a blueprint in your subconscious, because now you're an adult and you're consciously living.
And you can get triggered by people, places, and things. But then you say, why'd you do that? Why'd you say that? But in fact, it's an emotion that's being triggered up and it's an opportunity to see things differently, respond differently, act differently. But most of the time people will say, why'd you say that? Why'd you do that? And they get focused on what's in front of them.
So when people come to me, I'm not talk therapy. I don't tell them to tell me about your life history. No, no, no, no.
I tell them about them. And so I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, which means that I see visions in my mind's eye. I hear conversations and the clairsentient is just knowing.
And I have that every single time I'll say, Cat, I'm telling you, I can feel it. And that's where I know that I'm on top of the truth of what's going on inside of you. That's keeping you stuck or locked in lack or attracting the same thing that is not supporting you, mind, body, and spirit.
And so I can shift it from the subconscious. So people will have an end result of feeling lighter. They didn't see it coming, that it's not bothering them anymore.
And they start attracting the things that they want. So I can shift it so that they feel more empowered and more supported. Oh my God, that's so many things.
So beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. When did you find out that you have these gifts? You know, I love that question that you ask.
Everyone has it, but they can have something that happens in their life that can highlight some of the superpowers, quote unquote, that you have. There were a couple of things that happened in my life. I was in a car accident when I was eight years old, meaning I was walking across the street and hit by a car.
I actually died, and I didn't know it until I was in my thirties when I had a sound healing event. Well, actually, I was more in my forties. I had a sound healing event that I went to a sound healer and I left my body and I realized, oh my gosh, I died because I actually saw an essence of God in front of me and an archangel.
And I had a conversation, but I just thought that, you know, I had a car accident, broke my jaw and a couple of other things happened. And they took me off the hospital and I laid in a coma for a month. And then I came back and I healed, but it was much deeper than that.
Things were changing in my life when I was a child. So my parents were teenagers when they had three children. By the time my mom was 18, the third one popped out.
We were not triplets. You can imagine being 18 years old, right? And having three little tiny babies and the lack that was generated in our household. My dad was a long haul truck driver.
So the lack of not having a masculine presence in my life, cause he only appeared every two to three months. So it was living like with a single mom, technically quote unquote, living in lack where our electricity was cutting off and we ate pancakes a lot. And so now all of those actions were what I took in.
And so being in that environment, meaning money is hard, attracting or you have to survive to thrive technically. Yes. I had to get beyond that when my dad showed up, we serve him and mom serviced him.
So I was told and shown that everything you have to do is for your partner when he shows up, quote unquote. And my grandparents and parents showed that if you don't have the money, you don't spend it. So meaning no credit cards, you have to save and spend it, save and spend it.
So from the age of 16 up till my early forties, I had two jobs because I wanted certain things. I wanted to buy a new wash machine. I wanted to buy a new car.
I wanted to buy, but every time I got to a point of wanting to buy something new, something else would break down and I had to shove that money over there. So most of the things I purchased were either used or from a secondhand store. So use or something else.
But I wanted to get out of that. I had a spiritual epiphany at the end of a 14 year relationship and I didn't want to live anymore because what he showed me was I need to continue to pour into him and don't worry about me. Everything has to be family or him, family or him.
Oh, and the job too, because I had to have a job and then there was nothing left of me. And so I had a spiritual epiphany where God spoke to me and you can call it higher self source light, but I'm going to choose to call it God. And so God spoke to me with three simple words, love will come.
And it really was like that. And then the next day, my whole entire world changed and I got the strength to leave that relationship in three months. And then I spent that time reviewing what I chose to give away.
I gave away so much of myself. I literally felt like I gave my soul away too and I was an empty vessel. And so that's why I got to the point where there was nothing left of me and I didn't want to live anymore
And so I knew I couldn't physically do it, but let me tell you, I asked God to do it for me because I was ready, willing, and able at that moment to say, kids will be fine. If this is what's love, this is not love. I'm done.
And then I got that message and then I started moving into things that made sense. I was starting to read books by Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, people that I had never heard of until I had that spiritual epiphany. Those books made sense.
It allowed me to see life differently from the inside. And once I realized that there was so much in me that I was giving away to everyone else, I started reeling it all in. And it took many years.
However, I had to see my own weaknesses that I wanted to turn into strengths. And to this day, that's why I'm an energy healer. Oh my God, that is amazing.
And you have no idea. I had another interview yesterday and the person was sharing her story. And I'm going to tell you that these episodes are going to come back to back and people are going to think I screened you guys and wanted to have this theme for the podcast.
But what I'm noticing, the reason why I have this podcast show is because these conversations need to be had. And it seems like women our age, our generation, we're not given choices. And they were sold this amazing deal and package that was not a good deal for us, where I always tell my friend, everybody should have a wife because wives are incredible, right? It's a good deal for whoever has the wife, not such a great deal for the actual wife.
It's incredible. So I love, before we talk about that, I wanted to say, you said people get triggered by people, places and things, and they don't realize it's an opportunity. And let's talk a little bit about that.
So how can we start seeing it as an opportunity instead of being upset that person did that to me? Yes. So here's a perfect example. I had a client today and I saw her a year ago and she came back and she said, you know, I've changed everything, what you said in October of last year, but I'm still stuck in this one part.
And I said, okay. And I closed my eyes and I saw one hand had casserole dishes, but four of them that were rotating in a circle and they were large. So I knew it had to do with family event and I knew it had to do with holidays because it was coming up on her left hand.
She had three, the right hand, she had four. And I said, I'm going to ask you a question. And I said, and so, and I described these casseroles and I said, it's telling me it's family event and you have multiple things that are being presented to you, but you don't know which one to choose, but it's about family and it's about the holidays.
She says, I have three opportunities, one I'm doing, but I don't want to do it. The other two is I want to do that one, but I also want to spend time with me. I want some time for me.
So when I said, why are you, when I said, no, no, hold on, take the why out. I said, what is the purpose in you doing something that you're saying you don't want to do, but you have these two other opportunities that you do want to do. Like you could be with this one family member half a day and the other remaining half of the day is for you.
I said, if you're so concerned about what is going to transpire by you creating and stating a full sentence and a full sentence is NO, no. I said, you're reclaiming your purpose, your desire, your happiness. What makes your soul sing? I said, you can carve out another time for this other individual.
And then I said, let's take it deeper. And then I started, you know, working with her. I closed my eyes and I started seeing it as her mom saying one thing, but then something else happened in the end where, where it was showing her.
And I was telling her like they were showing her, they were happy. But then 10 minutes later, grandma's arguing with grandpa in the bathroom. I said, and so it's showing you that that's not really reality with what people are showing you.
And then what's happening. And I said, and I feel like you're not having a sense of support. I said, so you need to tell me, she says, I saw the support, but I didn't receive the support.
So, what was happening now is she doesn't want to do the same thing or have the same thing. So she's supporting everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, but then not supporting herself. So she's emptying sort of like what I did in my relationship.
What I was taught was serve, serve, serve, serve who you're, you're no one you have to serve everyone. And so then I turned that into my relationship. And then I didn't want to live anymore so much.
So where she is so miserable that she's not procrastinating, but she's fearful of making decisions because of everyone else. Right. So it can be so profound, but yet so simple in your childhood.
I never mentioned about physical or emotional abuse because she didn't have that. What I was saying is that the child was having to squeeze out, meaning fight for a form of what she wanted as a child in support when it was all right in front of her. So she had to work harder and to work harder.
You have to be present and give more to be harder to, to do harder. And that's why she was giving away her soul, her happiness. Instead of saying, no, I don't, I don't want to go to this family event.
I want me and this other family event. I told her once she steps up because family can be house and family or a foundation. And once you make a decision on that foundation, then everything else shifts with it.
She was saying, well, I haven't been able to move. I haven't found anything. I said, well, moving and a home is a foundation, but your, your focus in your upbringing was your family.
That was the rock. So now you're anchored into pleasing everyone else. And until you make the decision to use the full sentence of no, then you will find the house, your, your personal foundation and your career will shift as well.
So powerful. So, so powerful. So dead on because I'm feeling that a lot of women, many of us are waking up close to 48 and a half.
And I think women sometimes get, we wait, or I don't know if we wait, or it's just that we give less Fox or is that we are awakening to what is real. But we are waking up to the fact that we can say, no, that we can pour. I was saying that yesterday, that the most selfless thing we can do is to pour to ourselves first in gear from a place of ample, instead of being completely drained and in trying to serve you.
Right. And, you know, when you said waking up, sometimes people think, you know, I have to have a spiritual epiphany or I have to have this major catastrophe to, to make me catapult me to, to the next thing. No, waking up is saying, I'm tired of being sick and tired.
I don't want to be in the space of constantly caring for so much of everyone else because you are someone my friends, because the person will say, well, you know, you know, somebody else or they all. And I'm like, but you are they as well. You are part of all of that and more, you are someone and they and them.
And so, but we separate ourselves thinking that's they and that's them. Well, we're that too. And when you realize that and say, okay, separate yourself from what you're trained of what you look at, meaning your childhood as selfish, because even as young as you being at the table, you're six years old.
Grandma makes cookies. Everyone runs to the table. You grab one and there's one left.
You're told, don't take the last cookie. And that's being selfish where you really want that cookie. So, but, and that's the thing is that we're told that you're being selfish.
If you take that last cookie or if you think about you, but when you think about you, it's this, it's this love that comes out like a beam, right? And when you're saying, you know, I love myself so much that I want to go to dinner at a certain place. Now, if you're saying it every single day, that's a selfish thing, because there's this, there's this fine line between self-love and then taking too much on, taking too much of yourself. Right.
But when you say that, you know, I'm, I'm leaving myself behind because I'm going to please everyone else. Well, again, you are everyone else too, that you will find that when, oh, I don't, I don't want to have that. When everybody asks, what do you want for dinner? If everyone says, I don't know, well then say, I want chicken.
I've learned, it's a funny thing that I brought that up because I just saw my two children. And when, what I learned was when they were little, I would say, okay, what does everybody want for chicken? Mom's cooking. Cause that was, that was what I did.
Everyone say, I don't care. So I would make dinner. Mom, we didn't want that.
So I got smart and I said, okay, fish, chicken, or meat. So I'd say, all right, everybody, what do you want for dinner? Fish, chicken, or meat. So if I got one of those from them, then I got a head start on what would satisfy them.
And then I would make my thing from that. And that would please everyone. But I don't know, it's not the solution.
And I'm glad we're moving into this because that has to do with relationships as well. Because when you're getting the answer, I don't know why I'm angry. I don't know why you do those things.
I don't know why I'm doing those things. Well, everybody knows why they're doing it, but they have fear in sharing it. You see? Yeah.
Yeah. And it's something that I was listening to today about the honesty. And I think it's how we started with the whole thing with the cookie that you wanted it, but I told you not to be selfish.
I think we received so many messages of don't rock the boat, don't hurt people's feelings. And then we internalize that. And then we go up and then we begin to not be honest.
And I listened to this podcast show and it hit me and it showed me that just because I'm an empath and I was taught so many different things, I tend to shut down instead of saying, even because I like to have all the information of myself. So I would shut down in, but I will not like if somebody did that. Right.
So what I promised myself was even though I don't have all the information, what's going on or how I'm feeling, I can say something changed. That thing that happened was not cool. And I am digesting so I can communicate instead of just shutting down and be honest.
Even if I know the person is not going to like it. Yes. Well, we have to make sure that we communicate with our truth, the honesty that you're saying without judgment, because that can sneak in with just about all of us when we're saying, well, I feel this and you should have known that.
Well, that's judgment or you should have said it this way. That's judgment because we can't interpret what another people feels. They're limiting beliefs from their childhood, their feelings of what they crave and desire and what make their heart sing only the person inside.
So when we're speaking our truth, we need to make sure we're pointing at our heart and say, I feel like this and this is how it made me feel. That's it. It's not about you trying to tell them how they should have responded or said or acted.
That's judgment. Right. So it's not overreacting because I think sometimes we go to extremes, right? We don't say anything.
We stay quiet. We stop it quietly. And then we have an awakening or figure things out, find our voice.
And then we're telling everybody all the things they're doing wrong and how they did those wrong. It's finding that happy medium. This is my truth.
This is how I feel. And like you said, period. That's it.
Don't say anything else. Because once you add cat that extra caveat of, you know, you did this and you should have acted a different way, then you're starting to trigger their mom and dad box, meaning a limiting belief that what their dad said or acted and their mother and how she acted. And that's why you'll get a lot of couples, you're acting like my mother or you're talking to me like my dad, because they're being triggered by their own childhood as well by the actions that you're creating.
Yeah, so, so true. So I just wanted to go over those things before I forgot because they were so juicy. So you get to live within three months, which is amazing that relationship, what happens after that? So, you know, it was very interesting.
This is gonna be real girlfriend. Please bring it very real. So I did not have any of the love that I was squeezing out of him.
Literally, I was squeezing out of him. So I jumped out of the frying pan right into the fire. So I acted like a single guy.
I started like, like, you know, who's next? Literally, who's next for three months, three, three. So for three months straight, I had a guy every other night. I didn't even know their names.
Like, who's next? Who's next? I was literally taking wet paper and throwing it on the wall and see who's stuck. And after three months of me, them not knowing my name and me not knowing their name, sometimes they call back and who are you? I'm like, what the fuck? Sorry, but that's how I talk. Like, what am I doing? And I realized that I was looking for love in all the wrong places.
You've heard that line. And it's true, because I didn't have it. I was craving it.
Someone could just take their finger and touch me and they love me. It was just like that. And finally, I'm like, this is soulless.
So casual sex and casual this, which I see out there in dating land, all this casual stuff is soulless. And I said, I don't want this. I shut it all down.
For five years, I didn't even talk to anybody other than my children. I didn't associate with anyone other than work. And I just focused.
I got up. I started teaching myself how to meditate. I said, ooh, now I was corporate.
I was making this company millions of dollars. And I'm like, okay, what's all this stuff that's making sense to me in these books that I'm reading? I had a session with Reiki. And I'm like, oh, that made me feel very interesting.
Let's have more. So I would have a few more. I'm like, I think I need to step into that because that's making sense.
And the truth makes sense. So I stepped into learning Reiki, which I call it a lily pad of energy work. So I stepped into that lily pad, I got enough of it.
And so I could jump into the next lily pad. And then I took a nine month course in intuitive development, which was clearing my limiting beliefs and supersizing the trust in me and the connection to God, which allowed me to be where I am. And then all the years, the 19 years of practice is like, call it all the job training.
So I'm constantly playing with my clients. I'm constantly giving them the deeper connection of what they can't touch in their soul in that subconscious space. And then I shift it.
It's not very often that I'm seeing anything new. But when I do, I'm like, ooh, something new. But because they're all patterns, I can figure it out pretty well.
But the ultimate goal here, being an energy healer, is to empower our clients to empower them to feel that life does not have to be lived in struggle and emotional pain and lack, that we can help shift you to a point where you now feel grounded. And you now feel that you're empowered to see things differently and act differently and respond differently, without judgment, and not taking on somebody else's drama, trauma, and just talking it through with them and holding the space and hugging more and saying, I love you more. I just saw my neighbor just a little while ago, a couple hours ago.
And I just stopped at their house. And we just started talking as I was walking out the door. I said, I love you.
They started chuckling. Because sometimes people get so surprised that when you say you love them, it's just my neighbors. But I love them for being there for me.
I love the person who delivers my mail, who puts the groceries in my grocery bag. I love service providers, because they're choosing to be in service for us. So I'm going to tell them I love them.
So I'm not picking and choosing who I say I love, because they're doing it for us. So it's a different way. How I live is a lifestyle that I'm helping people to see in a broader way so they can live that lifestyle as well.
Yeah, for sure. And I love how you went for decades without pouring into yourself. And then you made this conscious decision, you probably did not know it was going to be five years.
But you made this conscious decision to pour into pour into pour into yourself, which in turn makes you into this amazing, loving version of yourself. Because you made the most amazing selfless decision to love and to find yourself basically, right? Yes. Yeah, because I wasn't receiving any love from my partner for 14 years.
And then when I left him, I'm like, Oh, you know, I have a smorgasbord of all this masculine energy, they're going to love me too. But it wasn't that way. The love that I needed, and wanted, and desired was loving me.
Because I didn't love myself. I spent so much time, I hope everyone is listening to this. I spent so much time pouring into everyone that I was mechanically programmed that you can't love yourself, you have to love everyone else by your actions in order to receive that love.
And I continued to carry that on when I broke up with him. And I said, Oh, I'm gonna find someone else when I realized my soul, it just can't handle any more of this. So I finally shut it down.
And then that's when I stopped to really see my weaknesses and turn them into my strengths. Oh, that is so good. Because you cannot love yourself if you don't know yourself.
Bingo. You cannot heal if you don't know what means healing. It's such an amazing cycle.
It's like you're avoiding looking inside. And that's where all the answers are. I'm sure when you're helping people, and let me know, correct me totally if I'm wrong, that you're telling them things that they already knew, but they forgot that they already knew.
That's right. Or it's hard for them to see, like, you can't see the forest through trees, as the saying goes. And, you know, when I reflected back with my client today, to say, you know, you didn't have support.
And when she stopped long enough to say, Well, I saw support around me, but I never received it, gives her a false sense of feeling that she was supported, which now in turn, she doesn't want to have anybody else feel like that. So as a child, she decided, no one should feel like that, because I'm going to make sure they don't. And now she's pouring too much into others.
And then she's got to just retract and say, I can love myself first, knowing that I still love others as well. Wow, that just answered something for me, because I never understood, I will see people pouring into people in a very disproportionate way. And I can never understand why, but the way you express that is so well.
So because I felt that pain, and I want to make sure that you don't feel that I am going to self appoint myself your guardian angel and give you things that you're not even asking me to give you. And I'm going to resent you because you're not giving me in return what I want, that you cannot give me anyway. And then we have this cycle of you are not getting what you need, but it's because you're giving to others, but you don't have to begin with, and then resenting them for not giving to you what they don't have.