Hack Your Mind: The Secret of Hypnosis for Success with Anthony Serino
Have you ever felt like an invisible force is holding you back from achieving your goals? What if I told you that your subconscious mind might be the key to unlocking the success you desire? In this episode of Healed and Cash Flowing Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Serino, a hypnotist and mindset expert who has dedicated the past decade to helping people transform their lives through hypnosis.

From Rock Bottom to Radical Transformation
Anthony’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. At one point, he was overweight, broke, and struggling with dark thoughts. Despite knowing what he needed to do to change, he felt trapped by an unseen force—his subconscious programming. It wasn’t until he discovered hypnosis that everything shifted. Within six months, he lost nearly 100 pounds, overcame his fears, and built a thriving business that has helped thousands of people.
The Mind as a Supercomputer
Anthony explains how our minds operate like a computer. We run on subconscious “apps” or programs that dictate our behaviors, fears, and self-beliefs. Some of these programs were installed in childhood, and many of them are outdated or even harmful. The good news? Just like a phone’s operating system, we can update and reprogram our subconscious mind to align with the life we truly want.
Hypnosis: A Practical Tool for Transformation
Many people are skeptical of hypnosis, associating it with stage performances or mind control. However, Anthony breaks down the science behind it, explaining that hypnosis is simply a powerful way to access the subconscious and rewire limiting beliefs. Through guided hypnosis, people have been able to overcome anxiety, lose weight, boost their confidence, and even achieve financial success.
Faith, Spirituality, and the Power of Belief
One of the most powerful aspects of this conversation was how Anthony integrates his Christian faith with hypnosis. He emphasizes that hypnosis is a tool—just like prayer, meditation, or personal development. It’s all about intention and how you use it. For him, faith and belief play a crucial role in manifesting success and creating real change.
Mind Mode: A Hypnosis App for Everyone
If you’re intrigued by hypnosis but don’t know where to start, Anthony has made it incredibly accessible. He recently launched Mind Mode, an app that offers guided hypnosis sessions for success, weight loss, sleep, and more. It’s a simple yet effective way to reprogram your mind for the results you want.
Key Takeaways from This Episode:
✅ Your subconscious mind is running the show—learn how to reprogram it.
✅ Hypnosis is a scientifically backed tool for transformation.
✅ Success isn’t about just taking action—it’s about aligning your beliefs with your goals.
✅ Faith and mindset go hand in hand when creating a fulfilling life.
✅ You can start changing your life today with tools like Mind Mode.
Whether you’re navigating a career transition, seeking to heal past wounds, or simply looking for inspiration, this episode will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take the next step. Tune in now and start your journey toward healing and cash flow!
Meet Anthony Serino

Anthony Serino is professional hypnotist and expert in mindset modifications. He helps superachievers from all around the world transform their lives from the inside out.
Connect with Anthony :
TikTok → @anthonyserino
Instagram → @theanthonyserino
Website: https://www.instagram.com/theanthonyserino/
Hello, Anthony. Welcome to the Heal the Envash Flowing podcast show. How are you?
Good. Hi, Kat. I'm excited to be here. I love doing these things because, one, I know you a little bit already, and the fact that you trust me enough to come on and to talk to your audience and talk to you is special. Happy to be here.
Thank you so much for being here. For those that don't know you, that are living under a rock, can you tell us a little about who you are and what you do?
At my core, I'm a hypnotist. That's how I facilitate change with people. And that's the shtick that I've been going with, especially on social media. I say shtick, but I don't want to dilute the power of hypnosis when I say that. But I'm sure we'll get into a little bit of my story in a moment. But hypnosis changed my life, and it convinced me that it's a real effective process that facilitates transformation very quickly. And so I've dedicated basically the last decade of my life to researching it, to practicing it, to building a business. Now, ultimately, my goal is to make hypnosis as accessible and as affordable as possible to the masses.
Yeah, I can definitely attest to that. You're definitely doing that, and I'm grateful that you are. When you say that hypnosis changed your life, can you take It goes back to how did you find it and how did it help you?
I was very literally fat, suicidal and broke. I was over 330 pounds, had negative $400 in my bank account, and routinely had, unfortunately, suicidal ideations. I drive my car down the road and I have my seatbelt off, close my eyes, I take my hands off the steering wheel hoping I would hit something. Now, thankfully, I never did. Now, looking back, I believe it was divine intervention and God reminding me that this isn't what life is supposed be like. And so I say that because I wasn't suicidal or depressed because I was fat. I wasn't suicidal because I was broke. It was because I knew what I had to do to not be those things. But it was like this invisible force every single day would hold me back from just even taking the simplest action that I knew was necessary to be more successful and to achieve the goals that I wanted. And so that's when I realized that invisible force was my own subconscious mind.
It's that operating system.
It's those beliefs and those fears that are holding us back. And once I asked myself the question, well, how do I actually change those subconscious programs and influences? That led me on this journey to discovering hypnosis, which once I was able to use hypnosis to change what was going on subconsciously, I lost almost 100 pounds in six months. I had fear of flying. I had health anxiety. Those were totally gone after using hypnosis. Started making more money than ever, built and sold my last business that I had, blew up on social media over a million followers. Everything I have in my life now has been because I used hypnosis to upgrade my subconscious operating system, or what you might classify as your mindset, which to me is mindset is your set of mental programs. That's really what makes up a person.
That's what someone's identity is. It's their mindset.
It's that subconscious operating system, like I said.
That's so good. You said so many juicy things that I love because we have programs, even though we're not officially a computer, we operate like a computer. From the very beginning, we have been told or have seen and absorbed so many different things. For better or for worse, that is what happens. Then we operate automatically without even knowing. It's like when we get up in the morning, we do the same things without even thinking about brushing our teeth. We don't even remember doing it, but we did it to see some basic program.
People tend to shy away from the idea that we're a computer. It's not that we're a computer. We are like a supercomputer. In fact, there's a reason why AI and the Elon Musk of the world are trying to replicate the human brain and the human mind.
It's because we are more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer that's manmade.
We literally process terabytes of information in just a few seconds. I think people, one, need to realize that they have so much more power and ability from a neurological perspective than they may have thought. And with that comes the ability to change and upgrade what's already there. This is where that whole model of programming comes in, where the way I look at the human mind and the brain is like a phone. We have our physical hardware, which is the physical phone.
And then on the phone, we have software. We have the operating system, if you will.
So for people who have Apple iPhone, we always get these iOS updates.
Those are operating system updates.
And so our brain is the hardware, and our operating system is what we classify as the mind, or more specifically, if you want to say the subconscious mind.
Now, what do you install on the operating system?
Well, you have apps.
So you have different apps on your phone that do different things in the same way we have different subconscious apps or programs, if you will, that do different things. So you have an app for tying your shoes. You have an app for brushing your teeth.
You have an app also for what you believe about yourself, different fears that you have running. And so what you can do is you can actually delete the unwanted or the programs are not useful, and you can install new programs. You can install confidence, you can increase your self-worth. You can do all these things that will then allow you to easily take the action and execute on the behavior that's necessary for you to achieve your goals. So this is where we get into a whole conversation of practical manifestation. And that's what I'm a big advocate for, because to me, it's not about just wish Coaching and hoping and praying that a million bucks falls into your lap or that you win the lottery while sitting on your couch. To me, it's like, what is your goal?
And then who do you need to become to achieve that goal and just start taking action towards it?
Because that's success.
Success is just information times action.
How do we make the action easier is really the question to be asked when we're doing this transformational process.
Yeah, for sure. A couple of things that I wanted to check back on is the apps apps that you can delete.
You cannot delete the apps if you don't know that they were downloaded illegally, right?
Like, we're against our will or even against our own knowledge. That's what hypnosis allows you to find those programs and apps that are running in the background.
Yeah. So that brings up an important point is this idea of awareness and clarity. From a neurological perspective, this is what we refer to as metacognition. It's like thinking about the thinking, you know?
This introception that we have, basically this awareness of our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our body sensations.
Now, most people, surprisingly, do not have this metacognition. Most people are walking around on a day-to-day basis on autopilot.
The only people, not the only people, but the reason why this resonates with your community and you and I have this conversation now between the two of us is because we're in this field.
People who are listening to this or watching this, they're already into this thing, and they already have the awareness, and it's difficult to comprehend that people don't think this way, but it's true. And so the awareness is important. This is why you often hear the cliché, you have to have clarity. But it's true, you need clarity, because if you don't know what needs to change, well, then how are you going to change it? It's like having a leak in your ceiling. You can see that it's wet, you can feel that it's wet. You know there's a problem, but if you don't open up the ceiling and find where the leak is coming from, well, how are you going to fix it? So that's where hypnosis It comes in. Hypnosis is both investigative and it's also a process to actually change what you discover.
Yeah, for sure. Then there are other people that know that it's a problem and have the fear of a solution, this modality, and that's how we use that word, this type of helping people. That's what you say, that's what you use to help people.
That's how we connect it even deeper, knowing that we are believe in God and began to think about how do we help people that are struggling with the very same things that we used to struggle and use hypnosis and other modalities to help us? How do we help them realize what hypnosis actually is or How does that even relate to your beliefs? I don't even want to say they're religious, but your spiritual beliefs, believing in God.
Yeah, great question. There's two parts of that. Let's tackle the first one is this idea of how do you even get someone to change? Let's say they have the awareness that there's an issue, but they still feel stuck. Where do you even start if someone doesn't even want to take action in the first place or they feel paralyzed by their circumstance? Well, that is the crux of our job is to get someone in a state where they are both willing to change and also believe that they can change. And the problem often becomes, I always hesitate to use that phrase, the problem.
But One of the hurdles, if you will, is that most people don't want a solution.
They want comfort. And so this is why I find traditional talk therapy to be a little, let's say, it's not as useful as it could be. And I would do therapy. I've done therapy, and I would still do it in the future because I think there's a useful... I'm not trying to talk bad about therapists or traditional talk therapy. But what happens invariably is that you talk about the issue and you get comfort in that.
You get comfort in just talking about it, but you're basically just reliving the same thing, and you're operating the same neurological pathways and programs as when the problem first started.
It becomes this feedback loop, ensure you're getting comfort because you're having cathartic experiences and you're talking about your issues, but you haven't really addressed the path forward to actually change the circumstance. And this is because we are all inclined to seek pleasure rather than pain.
And usually forward progress is going to elicit some form of emotional pain, and sometimes physiological pain.
You think about working out and wanting to improve your health, well, you have to go to the gym and do hard things that are physically taxing on your body that are actually breaking down fibers in your body so that you can then heal and get bigger, faster, stronger. That works at all levels in all areas of life, whether it's mentally, emotionally, financially.
There's going to be moments of pain and discomfort. And so often people will stay in their familiar situation because that's more comfortable than stepping to the next level in actually changing what needs to be changed. Now, that's the first part of the question.
The second part that you alluded to is the things that we talk about from a hypnotic standpoint or even other alternative modalities, like what you do, sound therapy, people often think it's a little taboo, right? They flinch, especially hypnosis. Hypnosis seems to be like a dirty eight-letter word that the moment I say it, even when people ask me what I do, for example, I have friends and family that maybe I don't run into for a little bit. And they're like, Anthony, I see you're doing that hypno, hypnotize. It's like they dance around and there's resistance to even saying it. And I get it, because we see these depictions in the movies and over the years, funny things on stage that people do, clucking like chickens. And so we have to be a little understanding of it. But also we want to find the cross-section between spirituality, energy, neurological things, physiological things, religion. My point here is when you look at the cross-section between science and religion and some of these more esoteric concepts, you really see that they overlap. It's not about one thing being evil or bad or one thing being good.
They're all just tools for the most part.
Now, we We're going to have a very long conversation on the spiritual side of things, but for the most part, I know you well enough now, and I know a little bit about what you do, and I know a lot about hypnosis. They're very practical, neurologically-based mechanisms and methods that affect real neurological and physiological change. We don't even really cross into the spiritual side of things when it comes to these processes. Sure, you can, but it's all in how use it. The example I always give is you could use a knife to prepare a good meal for your family, or you could use a knife to harm yourself or to harm others. It's all in how you use it.
That is so powerful. I love how you broke that down because I think that's going to help a lot of people realize how we use something. It's the crux of everything. If you're going to work with a specialist, a facilitator, a practitioner, you're not going to work with them if you don't trust them. If If you know, and that's why it's so important to share with people what your beliefs are and what is the purpose of your being and doing, then they can make an informed decision. But if they're afraid of the modality itself, they're not going to make that step.
So understanding that it's a part of the whole process and that it makes sense for the body and the mind outside of spirituality or anything else, then you can separate and be like, Okay, this is something that can help me or harm How I move forward, it's up to me to do the homework, find out who I choose to work with.
It's not like me.
Yeah, for sure. Something I equated to, back to this workout analogy, is you go to the gym and use weights to strengthen your muscles, to strengthen your body, get bigger, faster, stronger. Why not use tools to strengthen your mind and your brain and your neurological pathways and your nervous system? That's what hypnosis. Hypnosis is like going to the gym for your body. That's what we're doing for the mind. I'm very much a personal trainer of the mind more than just specifically a hypnotist. And really, what I like to refer to even all modalities that operate in this way is we're merchants of belief.
We do have to change some beliefs, but mostly it's beliefs about self.
I'm a devout Christian. People call me a Bible thumper. People call me a Jesus freak, and that's okay. Very proud of that. I was brought up Catholic, and now I'm more of a nondenominational Christian, and I have my own beliefs.
Everything I do now is influenced by my study in the Bible and some of that ancient wisdom.
Well, most of that ancient wisdom that's in there is what I refer to as these spiritual technologies. So people do need to know that. And I don't need people to be a Christian to work with me, but I need them to be tolerant of my belief systems. Personally, I don't feel cold just yet, I guess, to preach Christianity, but I do use it because that's my model of the world. So for For example, if you went to Harvard, you would use what you learned in Harvard and you'd mention it. You'd say, Oh, when I was in Harvard, or you would use that education.
My Harvard is the Bible, right?
Because it's given me so much spiritual context and there's so much mystery from an energetic spiritual side of things that was revealed to me in that study that, of course, I'm going to use it to inform how I work on myself and work with people.
That makes so much sense. That's why I think this conversation is so powerful, because it's coming from someone that has that very strong basics. So in these modalities that I choose to study, because I have this very similar lens, I will never choose a modality that keeps me or makes me move away from that because it's not even within my DNA or desire to do that. To be able to study and know that sound healing and hypnosis, the somatics as well, the foundation of that is to help people. That's the foundation. Every time I'm learning something else, and I'm learning the background, it's to help people. It's not to deter them or to move them away from anything else. It's just understanding that hypnosis and these modalities help your mind be stronger for you to be healthy, body, mind, and soul, in understanding that they do go hand in hand, but they're separate and together, if that makes sense.
Yeah. To me, let's say if there are people who are religious listening to this, and I shy away from the word religious in religion. I think it's useful to have religion, to have tradition, to have ritual, to set practices. There is important. But recently, I would say over the past decade, there's been a movement away from religion and more towards relationship with God, with Jesus, whoever it is that you believe in. But I do think some religion is important. That's neither here nor there. But for me, it's all about attribution.
As a Christian, I don't attribute my power to myself.
I do believe that God has given me power and authority. It says in the Bible that we have dominion over the Earth and to subdue it.
So we are meant to create.
We're meant to step into our power and our authority, but it's only by the grace of God, as far as I'm concerned. So for me, when I do hypnosis, I'm not doing hypnosis necessarily to say, Oh, I'm the guy that's hypnotizing somebody, and it's all me, it's all my power, and you're going to only have your power. Yes, that is the model of how we verbalize these things like, oh, step into your power, increase your self-belief. I think that's fine. But for me, my self-belief stems from what God has said about me, how he describes me, how the Bible describes me. So all the confidence that I have is only because of the confidence that I have in God and my relationship with him.
So to me, it's an attribution thing.
Now, obviously, it's the tool that matters, too. Meaning, you can't just do something bad and say, oh, I attribute that to God. There's been plenty of serial killers who said, oh, God spoke to me, or their dog, who was the son of Sam or whatever. So there is some discernment involved. Now, I'll say just one more piece on this to put a period on it is, even the Bible specifically says that, and by the way, for any Christians listening to me, anybody listening to me, they should be testing what I say, either against scripture or even against, if I'm saying something scientific or neurological, test it against of science. Don't just take my word on it. But one of the things in the Bible, to me, that stands out is there's almost like a gray area for what's bad. There's a gray area for sin, if you will. Meaning there are very clear lines, like what you shouldn't do and what you should not do. But there's also verses in the Bible that refer to, if you're convicted that something is bad, then it's bad for you. It talks about a story of someone convicting someone else about what they were eating.
So there's There are certain things in the Bible that you can or can't eat.
After Jesus came, all of the laws from the Old Testament were not obsolete, but there were certain things, like it didn't matter what you ate or didn't eat.
But if you felt convicted that eating a and food was bad for you, well, then that was a sin to eat it because you're something about your spirit, something about your discernment, your subconscious mind was telling you this is bad.
So if it's bad for you, it's bad for you. It doesn't mean it's bad for everybody else. So if someone does genuinely feel like diagnosis, let's say, is bad for them and evil, it could be their spiritual discernment, but it may also be their subconscious fear. So this is where getting in tune with the spiritual side of things is really important because now you have the ability to discern what's right, what's wrong.
It's beautiful. It also allows you to have more grace for other people. Because I remember when a friend of mine a long time ago was using a modality that I would be like, Oh, my God, there's no way. I was on her. I was so judgmental. Now, fast forward all this time, I'm like, Oh, my God, what was I thought I was tripping? What are we talking about? This is about releasing energy and feeling better about yourself. It literally says, You cannot lose it for evil. You just can't. Sometimes, and this is what I love about where I am now, where it's like God and I have an amazing, like you said, personal relationship. But I am open enough that the language that I use, and I used to be, I was preaching on social media, I was shouting and all these things.
I found personally that it excluded other people that probably would have reached out if they didn't feel that I was a Bible dumper, which I was. That could be a negative process for some people. I mean it neutrally. Where I am right now in my life, I know that I'm called to help people, and these are the modalities that I'm using. I'm noticing that more people are coming over, more people are saying, Hey, I'm interested than before.
I a larger platform where I was more active, but I didn't feel that I was as effective as I am now because I have more grace towards myself and towards others.
I think that's the beauty of using the discernment to know that this might work for me, but if it works for you, it's happy for you.
It's interesting because when I think about sound therapy or sound healing, these modalities that you're using, vibrations and emotion and energy.
If I use these modalities myself and I had, say, someone who was religious or a Christian or someone who was God-fearing who felt a certain way about it, the first thing I would ask them about is the story of the walls of Jericho falling when God told them to pray and walk around the walls for seven days and sing prays out loud and pray out loud.
You're telling me that wasn't something to do with vibration. God can use these practical things, can use physics to create supernatural results. It's like the cliché parable of the guy stuck in the flood. His house is being flooded and it goes to his roof and he's praying for God to save him and the boat comes by and he's like, no, God's going to save me. So the boat goes away. Then a helicopter comes. He's like, Oh, no, I've been praying. God's going to save me. Helicopter goes away. Next thing, the flood comes all the way up and he drowns and he's in heaven. He's like, God, why didn't you save me? He's like, I sent a boat and I sent a helicopter. I think too many people are praying for ridiculous things in their life when God's like, no, just take action, seize the opportunity that's already there, and he will deliver a supernatural result by ordinary means. And so I have found that... I just went through a season of my life where I was like, I almost torched everything to the ground. I was like, God, I want you to burn this or bless it.
That's what I always pray in my life. Two things I pray all the time. God, my thoughts, guide my feelings, guide my actions, and burn it or bless it. If you put something on my heart, a desire on my heart, and if it's from you, great, you'll bless it. If it's not, burn it as quickly as possible. And so I had a little bit of a back and forth over the past year about manifestation, specifically. Talk about a dirty word in the Christian community or in the religious community. And so at first I thought that he wanted me to stop talking about manifestation. But really what I realized was that he wanted me to attribute the power and authority to him.
So we do have the ability to manifest.
We have the ability to create, but we have to glorify him.
We have to honor him in the process because just like a police officer only has authority because they're under the governing body and they are subjected to codes of ethics and laws and regulations. And as long as they abide by that.
When they knock on the door for a search warrant, they say, what do they say? Police. They don't say Chucky Cheese because that doesn't have any authority. So for me, when I say God or I say Jesus, I'm not going to say Jesus. That comes from my authority in him. And so I bring this up because sometimes God will actually bring you to a point in your life that it's like being in the wilderness. The Israeli one from They went from Egypt throughout the wilderness for a long time so that God could bring them to the promised land of milk and honey and abundance. We ebb and flow through those cycles in our life where we will go through the wilderness, and that ends up being where we are most spiritually in tune.
When we are broken-hearted, when we're stressed, God will bring us to what we can't do to show us what he can do.
And so that doesn't mean it's going to be a miraculous lottery win, but he's going to show us opportunity. He's going to prevent doors to us, and he's going to motivate us to knock on those doors and to take action, which will ultimately bring us the result that's aligned with his will for us. We're getting deep here, so I apologize.
No, I love it. I love it.
It's really good manifestation because it's such a very scary word. We are manifesting every single day. This present day is the manifestation of the things that we thought about and said repeatedly.
How many people said, I woke up on my left foot today. I'm having a bad day.
Then everything the entire day goes badly because they're thinking that. Whatever we think, whatever you thought to think about, whatever is good, whatever is good, whatever is a good report. It says that for a reason because your words have power. Life and death, it's in the top. It's understanding that they're taking away the manifestation stuff in the Bible, and people don't realize that. You got to watch what you say. That's why I don't listen to just anything. I don't just watch just anything because I know it affects me.
There's things that I was working on.
I like to have physical things sometimes.
I created a card deck that has different somatic practices that they can look at.
It's a little beautiful card. But I started thinking about that at the beginning of December. I I got them on Saturday and it hit me because I'm like, This was a thought a month and a half ago.
This was just a thought in the manifestation is all the actions that I took to take the thought to the physical. It's not that complicated. Yeah. Or scary.
People talk about law of attraction, but you can't spell attraction without action. At the end of the day, I believe in the spiritual world as being as real as the physical world. As you and I see each other and see the desks around us and the objects is as real as the spiritual world is.
But for now, as long as we're in these human bodies, we are bound by time and space.
It's a fact. One of the ways to affect time and space is to move about it to take action. I can tell you that I've worked with very successful people, the top one % in the world. I've worked with these people, celebrities, athletes. And I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying it because not one of them, even the most esoteric, woo-woo hippie version of the person I've worked with has ever said that their success just happened, right?
They've all pointed to the process and the duration and the strategy and the effort and the action they took.
Now, what was the difference between them and someone who doesn't achieve that level of success? Well, they actually changed their mindset. They did a lot of these modalities. They did the hypnosis. They did the somatic exercises to align their mind with the action and the outcome that they wanted. And then it just felt easy to them. Sure, we still go through hard times. Days are difficult. I still have anxiety and fear. I'm not perfect. But it's the ability to use it, to move beyond it, to change it, to transform it, that allows you to be much more successful in a much more effortless way.
For sure. And I definitely... This is why I'm doing this. Just like you, that modality helped you. Somatics helped me heal for so many things from growing up, from what does it happen afterwards, divorce, all these I use it even to this day. I have a tough day. I'm going to put some music in the background that is no words, just really great instruments that together just get my soul back. I'm like, Okay, we're good. Now we can go to bed. There are these things that sometimes we overcomplicate and listen to maybe how other people are using it or have an outdated information about it. It's just keeping an open mind. That's how I think about it anyway. Keep an open mind, see who are you listening listening to, how are they using it, and actually listen. That's the thing. Sometimes people ask you questions, but they're not listening. They're coming with... You're saying something, they already have the response of what they want to say next.
Well, and that's the thing, too. That's how we operate because most of what we do think and feel and say on a daily basis is programmed into us. I always give the example of ordering a pizza. Let's say you were to call and order a pizza right now, and you're like, Oh, I want a large pepperoni pie with extra cheese and jalapeños and bacon on it. You think you're making a conscious decision, but why are you making that decision? You're making that decision because you're already pre-programmed to have that preference for those tastes, for pizza. And so is it a conscious decision or is it just a manifestation of the subconscious programming that you've learned? It's the latter, right? And so the other thing we have to look at is most of what these programs, the programs that are running that we have, they actually are not ours to begin with. This gets into the conversation, Well, where do these programs come from?
They came from the authority figures, our parents, teachers, preachers, doctors, when we were little kids.
We're modeling life now based on the programs and beliefs that we learned as children. This process of recalibrating and reprogramming really dives into the origin story of each of these programs, and that gives you the foot in the door to change it.
For sure. It's funny because you said that origin story. I don't know if it happened to you that you used to like something and then you see it and you want to go eat it. Essentially, for me, for example, pizza, I really, really liked it. I didn't grow up eating pizza that much because I'm not from the United States. It was like years and years of eating it, and then I'm like, Oh, yeah, I want pizza. It's a memory. Then I go have it and I'm like, Was it always like this? It's not as good because my taste bots have changed, but I haven't updated my system. My operating system is operating with that old memory, and sometimes I'm conscious about saying, Okay, that was then. The new information is that I'll make my own pizza because I know I can control the dough, I can control the ingredients, the type of cheese that I use that has no lactose, all these little things. But it's sometimes or often we're operating with all the information and we're just on autopilot and we don't even know.
It's interesting. One of the fun exercises I like to do sometimes, I'll give you a small example and then a bigger example of it. Well, let me give you a bigger example first.
Sometimes I live in the same area that I grew up in, and so not everybody can do this.
But I'll drive past places I haven't been to since I was a kid, and I'll just stop outside of my old grade school or whatever, and I'll just sit there and I'll meditate on what memories come up. It's amazing how many memories are actually anchored to that environment, physically, where memories I couldn't have brought up unless I actually went back there, like my grandmother's home that I grew up in and things like that. And then the smaller scale is basically everything that you can perceive will be attached to a memory, which is interesting. You have a guitar behind you. If I asked you, well, what's the first memory that comes to mind in relation to that guitar? You'd have a memory, and then you could follow that one back. Everything is this memory base that is really influencing us.
When we can change our perception on the memory, will we change how we interact with the objects, the people, and the world around us today, which ultimately influences our outcomes?
Yeah, that's so good. That was the big one. What's the little one?
Well, the big one was being able to drive around. But I'm saying little one is being able to look at an object and ask me, What's the first memory that comes? When I look at my computer, I ask myself the first memory that comes to mind, I automatically go back to 2016 when this is an old computer, I got this computer. Then I asked myself, what's the memory attached to that? I went back to the time I got my first cell phone when I was 13 years old. It was like a next tell or whatever. I could keep going back.
But these memories branch off into other memories.
It's this huge web of old data that's actually informing our behavior now, which is what dictates our outcomes.
Yeah. That's the power of hypnosis. I was literally thinking There's people that are attached to a place. I'm like, Every time I talk, I just put together what you were talking. Every time I talk to those people, I have dreams about the place that I don't want to dream about. I'm like, Why does that keep happening? It's because I tie those people to that place. Now my work is to separate them from that place so then I can continue to have friendship and remove the unpleasant thoughts. But I wouldn't have that clarity if I was not aware of what hypnosis can do.
Yeah. And that's the thing, too. The mind is always associating, meaning let's say someone has a fear of public speaking.
Well, they associate public speaking with pain for some reason. And the way they learn that association was something they've already experienced in the past.
So I had a client that had to public speak quite often, and she was always nervous about it. She had this nervous cough she would get.
And we tracked it back to when she first learned it.
And there was a time when she was in school, she answered a question in front of the class. She got it wrong. Everybody started laughing at her. And so her little 10-year-old brain learned, Hey, you shouldn't put yourself out there.
You shouldn't speak up.
You shouldn't talk in public.
And so her brain associated speaking in public with pain, with embarrassment, with shame, all these bad feelings.
And so now you extrapolate that out into her adult life. Here she is, 37, 38 years old, trying to talk in front of people. And her brain's like, Nope, we remember what happens when you do this. And it associated public speaking with pain. So we need to disconnect that association. We need to convince the unconscious mind that's now safe for the person to do the thing that they want to do that's going to lead to their outcome. Then that's when the anxiety, the fear response, and the emotions, unwanted emotions end up diffusing and going away.
Especially because, as you said from the very beginning, the brain is looking for comfort. It's not looking to change because they want to keep us safe. It's almost like an overprotective parent, or if in their relationship, that someone is always trying to protect you, but they keep you age and you're not able to express who you are. It's like, I know you want to keep me safe. I'm not little anymore. I'm not a class. It's having those conversations of, I get why you want to do this. However, I need the pain. It's like, like you said, working out. You're not going to muscle if you don't break those things and then you're able to grow. The transformation is going through. That's the only way. That's the only way it's going through the process.
The way out is the way through. It's a stoic mentality. I think the book by what's his name? Ray holiday, Roy holiday, The Obstacle is the Way. Great book that I suggest people read.
That's amazing. I'm so excited that we got to have this conversation. I think you have helped a of people today with this amazing candid conversation about what you believe. So thank you for going there. I appreciate that. And I also love how you do it. I know people that follow you that don't share the same Christian spiritual beliefs, but they still follow you because they're able to in helping so many people. So I appreciate that so very much. Do you have anything coming up right now that you're working on that you would like our audience to know?
Yeah. So first of all, thank you for having me. I appreciate this. I always When someone trusts me enough to speak in front of their audience and be on their platform, it means a lot for sure. The thing that I would encourage people or direct people to is I have a new hypnosis app. It's called Mind Mod, and it has all my extended exclusive audios on there, and we're constantly adding more. We're going to be doubling, if not tripling the number of audios in the next probably four to six months here. It's a great way to reprogram your mind very quickly, even if you where to start. Even if you don't know anything about hypnosis, you can just plug me in your ears. And there's audios from general success to making more money to losing weight to sleeping better to quitting smoking is literally all on there. And all you have to do is, like I said, plug me in your ear, sit back, relax, and you'll reprogram your mind. So that's called Mind Mode, and people can get that right on the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.
I was thinking of the name because I do only Apple products, but Google Play for sure. We'll make sure to put both links on the blog post that goes with this episode. What do you hang out the most on social media? What's your your preferred platform?
So it's TikTok mainly, but now we get this banned stuff back and forth. And I've been trying to do more Instagram. So TikTok or Instagram would be the best way to catch my content and also to message me. I always encourage people to reach out. I have assistance that help me, but not with that. I'm always the guy. If you message me, you can be assured. Now, sometimes you'll get an automated response because I do have many chat set up, which for business owners who know what that is, it's just a way to automate DMs and inquiries and whatnot. But for the most part, if you ask me a genuine question, I will respond, either a text or a voice note.
Yeah, I can totally attest to that. I'm like, he's responding. You can tell when it's the person or an assistant. Their response is different. So I appreciate that your willingness to come on into share. And always helpful. I remember even when Sandy, our mutual friend, was telling me about you. She's like, Oh, can she come Of course, sure. I was so glad that I was able to jump on. I know you did not talk about it, but every Tuesdays, Tuesday evening is a very special time because you are really given back to… Many people come on to those calls and really get a lot of heating. Last week's session was incredible. How did those sessions come about? When did you start doing those?
I've always wanted to make hypnosis as affordable and as accessible as possible.
That's where of putting as much out there in the form of content came to be. I was like, How do I actually help people at Mass and not have to charge them for it? Now, of course, this is a business. Of course, I want to make money. So I have multiple tiers of offers. Everything I give away for free is everything I have. But it's how I package it is how I value it and how I sell it. And so, for example, you can get free Hypnosis audios on my TikTok, or you can pay for the packaging of my audios in my app. And yes, there are some longer audios and more specific audios on there. Now, you can pay for one-to-one with me, but I charge a lot of money, or I have these free calls on Tuesdays, which for anybody that downloads the app, the first thing you see on the app is an image that tells you to go join the free community on school, and that gives you access to these calls. I just love the group format, and it also has the ability to help people individually, as you've seen personally in Katz.
When I have a one-to-one intervention in front of everybody, it really helps the group, but it also specifically helps that person. It's just a format that I enjoy. And so, yeah, that's how that came to be because I was like, how do I actually scale my impact? That's where most business owners and coaches get. It's like, how do I do more of what I'm doing without having to necessarily put more effort into it? Meaning I can help 30 people at once or I can help one person at once. That's where that came from.
It makes a difference. It's very powerful. So we'll make sure to link to the community because it's really powerful.
Yeah. Thank you so much. Thanks again for having me. Hopefully, you could do it again.
No, absolutely. It's been a pleasure. Again, thank you so much.
Thanks, Cat.
There you have it, guys. This was a powerful conversation very special to me because this community was very special to me. Many of you that follow me, follow me from my olden days when I was doing other things. I also wanted to come alone, but I also did not want to drag you. I wanted explain why it works for me, why I'm doing it, and why it's so perfectly aligned with my purpose, which is to help people. The more people that I can help, the better. I am experiencing tremendous freedom of mind and space because I'm no longer dragging those traumas and experiences with me. I feel lighter. I have more compassion. I have more grace towards others, but especially towards myself. You can now help others if you don't love yourself. This episode is very special to because it's like a background as to why I'm so passionate about what I'm doing and why the drastic change. I am going to prescribe that you watch or listen to this at least twice, and then I want you to send me a message and let me know how it impacted you. If you feel the same, totally okay.
But I just want to hear from you. If it changed anything about how you feel about it, there's a lot of resources that you can use for free and pay. Feel free to reach out. As always, remember that I love you, that I'm voting for you. I'm going to see you. Super duper.
Awesome. Good? Yeah.