How To Quit Your Job The Right Way - Teach Your Easy
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How To Quit Your Job The Right Way

How To Quit Your Job The Right Way

Do you like fireworks? I don’t like them. I LOVE THEM! I think fireworks are FANTASTICO. The whole thing; from the anticipation of the show, to not knowing how long the show is going to last. The pattern – yes, there’s a pattern or style to EVERY professional Fireworks Show. I love it all. 

The other night I got to watch fireworks from a new spot. I knew NOTHING about this show and that made it even more exciting for me. 

We got there and waited. And waited and then waited some more. I did not mind one bit though; I KNEW it was going to be amazing. And guess what? I was right. All of the sudden the show began, they started slow, with shiny fireworks that did not make much noise but very soon they began to use the type of fireworks that go really high on the sky and look like they are exploding right above us. Making the sky seem round and darker than it was just a few moments before.

 The show kept on going and with each passing moment, it got better and louder. The master fireworks artists (that’s what I secretly call them) began to mix the loud and showy fireworks with the softer and quieter ones. I could not even move, but my smile kept getting wider because my soul was loving it all. 

Then it occurred to me that fireworks shows are great because of the darkness. I never thought of that before. You might be thinking, “duh, Catherine, no kidding.” But I stay with me on this one. What if someone decided to do fireworks in the middle of the day? All other people would hear would be noise and the lights and the patterns would be COMPLETELY wasted because no one would be able to see them. It is like three-years ago when I quit my corporate job, I knew I NEEDED to quit my job. It was time.

I put in place the things I knew to do but a few months into my adventure I realized there were some things I could have done more of and others I did not do at all. It was as if I’ve quit in the dark. I struggled for awhile and thought, “I did this this whole thing wrong.” I began to beat myself up about it too. How you ever done that? Giving yourself a hard time for a mistake, or a bad decision you’ve made? I am sure you have. 

I forgot for a moment that God had allowed me to go through that experience so one day I would share it with others that like me, feel called to start a faith-based business or a ministry. He wanted to use my experience so others would not struggle like I did. It would have been such a WASTE for me to go through ALL of that and not sharing it with others.

However, I had ZERO intention to share those experiences with the world, I would have been VERY happy keeping them to myself but God had other plans. Eventually I aligned with God’s plan and decided to FINALLY write about my journey. About the things I did do right and also about the others I did not do quite right or at all. And that’s how my new e-Book was born. Brace yourself, the title is LONG

Don’t Quit Your Job YET…
Key Principles To Know & Follow To Leverage Your Job UNTIL You Can Leave For Good! 

The short e-Book is written from the perspective of someone that wished the information had been available before she quit. What I love about the short e-Book is that it is written by someone that was VERY passionate about her calling, someone that NEEDED to quit her job quicker than a New York minute.

Do you know what I’m talking about? Have you ever wanted to do something SO BADLY and could not wait to do it? That’s how I felt. I believe the book is powerful because of that.

I can relate to people that feel DESPERATE and HIGHLY motivated to start doing what God has called them to do and people that feel that way will (hopefully) relate with the book as well. How do I know that? Because: 

Readers connect with authors that speak their language (of pain, lost and despair). 

Can you tell I am excited about this short e-Book? Why did I keep it short again? I kept it short for those that NEED to get a hold of the information QUICKLY and then, because I could not help myself, I recorded an extended audiobook version for those that WANT a deeper understanding of each principle.

At a glance the principles may seem simple but they are complex due to the mindset that MUST be developed in order to embrace them and put them in place.

One of my favorite things about this new e-Book is that EVERYONE that buys a copy of the short e-Book on Amazon will receive a Complimentary version of the audiobook (a $47 value). WHY? Because I can and BECAUSE I want to make sure YOU REALLY understand the principles and begin implementing them TODAY!


Click on the button below and grab your copy today: 

The e-Book is available in Spanish as well: 

Todavía No Renuncies De Tu Trabajo…: Principios Clave Que Debes Conocer Y Seguir Para Aprovechar Tu Trabajo HASTA Que Puedas Irte Para SIEMPRE!


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