How Experts Can Multiply Their Time! - Teach Your Easy
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How Experts Can Multiply Their Time!

How Experts Can Multiply Their Time!

When was the last time time you were able to take time off? Just take time to read a book, go away on vacation or do research (I don’t know, whatever thing you have been putting off for ages)? 

What if there were a way for you to multiply yourself? Well, there is, in today’s YouTube video I will tell share how you can multiply yourself by…well you have to watch the video: 

See the transcript below: 

Hey there, how why you?

I am so excited to talk today about how you can

leverage your time and how you can go from doing the same thing over and over again.

And let’s face it, for us creators and experts, we don’t really enjoy doing that.

And how you can actually free your time so you can

do new things and things you actually enjoy.  Are you ready?

Thank you so much for coming. My name is Catherine Storing.

And before we get into today’s video, make sure that you subscribe and that you hit that bell.

So next time I send you and record a new video, that you can be notified immediately.

Got it? OK, awesome.

So let’s talk about it today. You know that I am the course’s queen.

I am the self-proclaimed Premium Courses Queen.

And yesterday I was reminded of the value of knowing what to do.

It is amazing. So instead of trying to figure out what I needed

to do next, I am re-recording some of the lessons of my  Teach Your Easy Program.

And I needed to look through things and it was so easy to look through everything I needed.

To look through to find what  I needed to find and update.

The lessons that because of this new technology, because I have grown into have new levels

of expertise, because I have new ways of doing things. I decided, OK, let me just rerecord some things.

And can I tell you that I was able to go through my own system to rerecord those videos and he made it so much easier. And for a moment I thought this would have been such a mess if I was doing this by myself, if I didn’t have guidance, if I didn’t have a process to follow in knowing that I could get this done relatively quickly.

So last week when I was talking to you on the last video, hopefully you watched that the number one reason why your premium course is not telling. You have to go watch that. It was pretty powerful.

I was telling you that I asked experts. Maybe yours is speaker, coach or an author. You you’re very busy.

You have conferences to go to when they’re open up again. And you have so much to do.

And if you are busy teaching the same thing over and over again. First of all, you’re gonna get tired as all get out because there’s nothing more debilitating than doing work that you don’t enjoy; doing work that is utterly boring and that is not satisfying.

Can I get an amen? Let me know in the comments how do you feel about having to do the same thing over and over again? And that’s why I love the fact that I can help amazing people like you with a premium program. With a premium course. Why? Because I want your creative juices to be working on a regular. I want your creative juices to feel like, wow, we are in our element. We are doing well. We love it.

Free yourself to go places, to do things that you want to do and travel, again when that opens up again.

And if you are watching this much later than this year, look up what was happening in 2020 And you’ll know what I’m talking about. So you are an expert. You want to make the world a better place and you have plans. You got great plans to do some great things. But if you are coaching people through the same steps over and over again and having to reinvent the wheel every single time, you are going to be stuck doing the same thing every single time.

And that, like I was saying earlier, it’s not fun at all. Instead, you can decide well, let me let me house into one place under one umbrella. Let me house all my knowledge, all my expertise, and make it available for people. So, what I was doing yesterday was pouring through this book right here.

Do you recognize this girl right here? I was pouring through this page; page twenty-eight, at least of this version…of what the steps were and all I did as you can see, I can see the checkmarks because I’m a lefty.

My check marks go this way…the right way by the way. I was going through the videos and the content that I wanted to add, the things that I wanted to change, the things that are the bonuses that I wanted to add in. I knew exactly where to go because I had my process. I did not have to go and lay everything out and figure it out through Google Drive, where my videos where was what I had my process.

So I was it was so gratifying to go through what I have created before and be able to improve it now because I had to but because I can. Because I love being creative.

And it was so much easier to go through what I have done and remove what I wanted to upgrade and leave what’s working? And then add new things because I can. Because I love giving.

Because I love helping my experts, because I am an expert myself and I want to get the best. I want to get in and I want to get out. So I want you to think about that. And next time you tell yourself that you don’t have time to stop and create a premium program, because if you look if you look back, if you look back, you are gonna see that you have probably been doing the same thing and repeating.

Things left and right. That’s something that I don’t really enjoy doing, I don’t like repeating myself when I can just say go to this document. I was coaching a couple amazing experts the other day, one on one. I don’t do that very often anymore. And the same questions came up and I was so glad to say, “oh, let me just look this up and give you this link.” It was so cool to say, “I’m not going to explain that let’s use our time to to develop strategy. And here is this resource that I created before.” And then I was talking to the other expert that I was coaching. And I was like, the same question came up and I said, “yep, I already have a resource for that.

Don’t worry, I’ll send that to you. In the meantime, go watch this.” It was amazing. It was so powerful to be able to do that. I want you to think about that. How much time and energy will you save if you took the time to create a premium program? To put into place in in a repository, if you will all the things, all your resources, and be able to just go in and grab your link, grab that resource grab, grab that that template, grab that lesson and say, hey, this is how you do, and then organize it in such a way that people can go through it, whether it’s 3:00 AM in the morning or 12:00 p.m. in the afternoon.

But you don’t have to be there. You can be using your time for other things to be with your kids, to be with your family, to be with your co-workers, traveling wherever you want to, do whatever you want to do. You can do that because you have multiplied yourself; because you have taken the time.

It’s an investment, is what it is. Because yesterday, as I was going through the content I was marveling at how it works and how beautiful it was that I listened to my own advice and I organized things the way that I advise in my book for experts like you to organize. And it makes sense. And I was able to find things quickly and I was able to update my program super easily because I follow this system.

So imagine you. Okay, you are an expert. You have a process, a system or a formula, and it works. You know that it works because you have used to before. Your clients have used it before, and they have gotten great, great results. Right? Okay. So imagine if people like you very, very busy, got to go through that program and not have to come to you and ask you questions. And you got pay handsomely for that?

Because remember, experts love and value their time. Time is very important. Time is very valuable. So how do you take care of your time? Well, you go get the shortcuts. You go get the way of doing things from someone that’s been there and done that and has created a system almost like a path and map, if you will. So they can follow it and not make mistakes. Yesterday, as I was going through my own program, I didn’t make mistakes. I was able to check, check, check and listen. I love checking.

I was like, check, check, check, check and check all the things that I thought I was going to do yesterday. And that to me. Listen. That to me is everything. Let me know if you love checking things. By the way, I think checking things off is it’s amazing.

I think it’s amazing. it makes me happy. It just brings me joy when I am able to do that. I just love it. I love it so very much. So I want you to think about that. Stop doing the same thing over and over again. Stop repeating yourself and take the time to create your premium program. Don’t wait any longer. And now you have the time. Now you have no excuses. You can take the time and again, follow the process.

I have created my new training and master class that goes through the actual 10 steps that I talk about right here in the book. That 10-Steps Formula to Teach Your Easy: How to Build Wealth by Teaching Others What Comes Naturally to You. And I go through my entire formula; is very in-depth. I’m very proud of it. I took a lot of time and effort to put it together, and I’m gifted to you. So I want you to go to TeachYourEasy.Com and request for me to send you the link so you can watch it right away. You don’t have to choose a time that works for me. That doesn’t work. We are experts; we are busy. I want you to request it. And then you will be able to watch it immediately. You don’t have to wait. You can grab your notebook and your pen and take notes and realize that it is a process that you can follow. And if it resonates with you, then you’ll have an opportunity to participate in the program and learn what is all about and how it helps experts like you and how it took me from working one on one to actually leveraging my time and work with people if I want to. Which I did about a month ago. And it just was amazing.

It just really, really changed everything because I did work that really inspire me. I was working with next level experts and then I was not repeating myself. And when I needed to, I was like up. “I have a resource for that.” I love, love, love. You know how they said. For that, there is a resource for that, a video, that is a good guide lesson than there is something that you can follow because I’ve already been there and done that and I can help you. Imagine if you can say that to yourself and then have the freedom to choose your projects and not have to take on projects because of money that you can take projects on because you want to, because it’s something that inspires you and challenges you at the same time.

Let me know in the comments what your premium program is going to be about. If you know because you are an expert, but you want to be known for that. So what is your premium program going to be about? What’s getting in the way for you to get started and create that program? Now, remember, I am inviting you. I’m gifting you my master class: Things That EVERY Expert Like You Needs to Know in Order to Create a Magnificent, Powerful and Awesome Premium Program TeachYourEasy.Com and get started today.

Awesome, thank you so much for watching today’s video. I’m excited, o share with other experts. And don’t forget to subscribe and come back next week when I come back with more tips and resources for you so you can create a fantastic life changing premium course.

Remember that. I love you. I’m rooting for you. And I’m going to see you super duper soon.

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